Total 12 Smiles Posted on #read Trend
The Quran is a living miracle that is meant for ourselves not for our shelves.
#Read #Quran
#Islam #Smile
3557 Day(s) ago: SMS
The Quran is a living miracle that is meant for ourselves not for our shelves.
#Read #Quran
#Islam #Smile
How to stop time: #Kiss.
How to travel in time: #Read.
How to escape time: #Music.
How to fear time: #Write.
How to waste time: #Social media.
You can surely learn from reading if you read in the proper manner. The secret of good reading is this: #read critically!
To know it, #write it! If you're writing to explain,you're explaining it to yourself!
#mc #tips #help #career#smile #meetme
3828 Day(s) ago: Web
#Status differentiate #love and #romance! #I #want to #read #your #wonderful #definations
@XhEhZaDii :
One hug in romance is #better then 100 kIsses in Love
@XhEhZaDii :
One hug in romance is #better then 100 kIsses in Love
I have #learnt the #method to #pass those #moments when U're unreachable i recall ur last #conversation & #read #your #msgs #again & #again
4073 Day(s) ago: SMS