Total 18 Smiles Posted on #relations Trend

Lovely time of our #Life will not return at any cost
The Lovely #Relations and their Sweet Memories will Stay in the Hearts Forever.

4 my #Smile #friends :-)

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3852 Day(s) ago: SMS

Lovely time of our #Life will not return at any cost
The Lovely #Relations and their Sweet Memories will Stay in the Hearts Forever.
4 my #Smile #friends :-)
The Lovely #Relations and their Sweet Memories will Stay in the Hearts Forever.

4 my #Smile #friends :-)

3852 Day(s) ago: SMS

To acquire #knowledge, walk around the thing studied. The thing isn't only what you touch, what you see; it has many other conditions, many other #relations which you can't know until you #study it from all angles.
#mc #tips #help
To acquire #knowledge, walk around the thing studied. The thing isn't only what you touch, what you see; it has many other conditions, many other #relations which you can't know until you #study it from all angles.
#mc #tips #help

Beautiful lines to save #relations
"Whenever you find me bad or rude at any point of time, atleast tell
me once before telling the whole world."
#quotes #quoteoftheday
"Whenever you find me bad or rude at any point of time, atleast tell
me once before telling the whole world."
#quotes #quoteoftheday

.Th0se Who Can Sense Ur Sadness in Ur Smiles,
Can Hear Ur W0rds in Ur Silence
Can Feel Ur #Love in Ur Anger,
Trust Them They r Ur REAL #RELATIONS............*
Can Hear Ur W0rds in Ur Silence
Can Feel Ur #Love in Ur Anger,
Trust Them They r Ur REAL #RELATIONS............*
3946 Day(s) ago: SMS

I think now i am totally relax after 1.5 years of Break Up. ;*
Again in Search ;p
Share ur's stories and #Memories.
Again in Search ;p
Share ur's stories and #Memories.

#Honest #Relations" R Just Like
-No #ColOuR
-No #ShapE
-No #Place
-No #Taste
-But still Very "#IMpOrtanT" 4 "#Life"
->It's #jOhN...
#Honest #Relations" R Just Like
-No #ColOuR
-No #ShapE
-No #Place
-No #Taste
-But still Very "#IMpOrtanT" 4 "#Life"
->It's #jOhN...

4003 Day(s) ago: SMS

"Baseless Attitudes Spoil
#True Relations Need Just #Care And #Effection..
Be #Positive About Your Relations..
Because A Little
#Doubt Can Spoil The
#Beauty Of Relation..."
#True Relations Need Just #Care And #Effection..
Be #Positive About Your Relations..
Because A Little
#Doubt Can Spoil The
#Beauty Of Relation..."

We can Save Many #Relations , if We Understand a Simple Fact That..
People are Not Wrong,
They are Just Different than Our #expectations.
@Turfa @Ladli.RAniya
People are Not Wrong,
They are Just Different than Our #expectations.
@Turfa @Ladli.RAniya
4028 Day(s) ago: SMS