Total 9 Smiles Posted on #state Trend

#State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) announced the public holidays in connection with Eid-ul-Adha that will befall on September 2 (Saturday).

#Karachi: #State Bank Nay Monetary Policy Ka Elaan Kar Diya, Sharah Sood 8 Se Kam Kar kay 7 Fisad Kar Di Gai : #State Bank
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3596 Day(s) ago: Web

: Currency Note Par Naray Likhne Se Currency Naqabil e Istemal Hojayenge Aur Aese Note Koi Bank Tabdeel Nahi Karega. #State Bank Ab Likho !!
3847 Day(s) ago: Web

#State Bank of Pakistan ka Mehngai k Hawaly Se Report:
Peshawar: 14.1%
Lahore: 9.9%
Koita: 9.7%
Karachi: 8.5%.

#very #difficult to #express #feelings #state of #my #heart #mind & #soul when #YOU're #unreachable even I cant #communicate #through #msgs
4111 Day(s) ago: SMS