Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Choice Trend

iTouqeer via Red.hack: Happy #Haya Day
To All Muslim's...//
#NonMuslims Celebrate The #VelintineDay ..
but Muslim's Celebrate The #Haya Day
Now If Your #Choice you are Muslim's % Non Muslim's..
If Depend on Your..
3321 Day(s) ago: SMS

You can never make the same #mistake twice.
The second #time you make, its no longer a mistake, it's a #choice!
The second #time you make, its no longer a mistake, it's a #choice!

Once A #Girl Proposed Me,
I Said
I Won't Accept Your #Proposal
But Appreciate Your #Choice

Once A #Girl Proposed Me,
I Said
I Won't Accept Your #Proposal
But Appreciate Your #Choice
