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Total 28 Smiles Posted on #DauGhTer Trend

Decent Shani @Deep-sea


A #Woman should never #Invest in a #Relationship,

She wouldn't want for her #Daughter, nor allow any man to treat her,

in a way she would scold her #Son for_> +yes+

3037 Day(s) ago: Web
Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

Outrage: #Father killed #daughter for not making ‘gol roti’
LAHORE: The 12-year-old girl found dead outside Mayo Hospital in Lahore was killed and dumped by her father and brother for ‘not making gol roti’, police said on Wednesday.

3167 Day(s) ago: Web
Lenientt @Lenientt


You're A #Daughter Of a respectable man and a future wife of another ..
Don't let young boys fool you into their lust ..
Know your value .. <3
3220 Day(s) ago: SMS
Anonymouss @Darksoulls

Singing-bird via EMii:

You're A #Daughter Of a respectable man and a future wife of another ..
Don't let young boys fool you into their lust ..
Know your value .. <3

3225 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sajja.a @Sanwal5865

You're A #Daughter Of a respectable man and a future wife of another ..
Don't let young boys fool you into their lust ..
Know your value .. <3

3228 Day(s) ago: SMS
Noman Nomi @Namkeenjalebi

Dear Boys!
Well, Close Your Eyes.
Imagine You have a #Daughter and She is Dating a Guy Just like You...
Did You Smile.?
Then Change :";)
3293 Day(s) ago: SMS
Guriya @Guriya22

On #MothersDay I wish I was a better #Daughter ,a fraction of your love & care was reciprocated by me...sada Khush raheiN:)
Share if u r good son or Daughter
3311 Day(s) ago: SMS
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