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Total 8 Smiles Posted on #Speak Trend

Good behaviour does not have any monetary value,
It has a power to purchase hearts of the people'):).
3248 Day(s) ago: SMS
Usva @Beingusva

#Love Truly
Think Deeply
#Speak Gently
Dance Freely
#Live Kindly
Laugh Daily
3458 Day(s) ago: Web
Sellfish @Hma

#Speak only when you are sure that your #words are better than your #Silence.

3555 Day(s) ago: Web
Sameer Tariq @Sameertariq

"- A true & caring relation dOesn't require a large
A sOft #msg is #enOugh,
It's nOt the #mOuth that #speak,
Its the #heart that #feels .. !! :) :* <3 -"

#xOnU #hellO #RightnOw #help #sAd #pOetry #mC #Smile #quOte
3661 Day(s) ago: Web

FoR u DeAr

" #SpEaK oNlY WhEn YoU #FeeL ThAt YoUr #WoRdS ArE BeTTer ThAn YoUr #SiLeNcE"
#TiP: #Add FHK

3725 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sahibzada Mazhar Nisar @Smazharnisar

“The most beloved word according to me is that which is most truthful.” [Bukhâri] #Speak the truth even if ur voice shivers#Say NO to lies"
3782 Day(s) ago: Web
Sahibzada Mazhar Nisar @Smazharnisar

“The most beloved word according to me is that which is most truthful.” [Bukhâri] #Speak the truth even if ur voice shivers#Say NO to lies"
3782 Day(s) ago: Web
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