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Total 32 Smiles Posted on #hug Trend


I’m sad. No
I’m mad. No
Wait… I don’t know. I just need a freaking #hug..*
3299 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Decent Shani @Deep-sea


If U R #Alone
I w'll Be ur #Shadow
IF U want to #Cry
I w'll Be ur #Shoulder
If U want A #HuG
I w'll Be Ur #Pill0w
If U Need to Be #Happy
I w'll Be Ur #Smile
But if anytime U Need A #Friend
I w'll Just Be #Me

3331 Day(s) ago: Web
Junaid Khalid @Plince

#Feeling #Sad #L0ve #Hug #Pill0w
Jaany merrii kitnnii kham0shiy0nn kaa b0jhh uthaa karr yee takiyaa meryy saathh s00 jataa haaii.. :(
3462 Day(s) ago: SMS
Junaid Khalid @Plince

Small Things That Mean A L0t:
Cute #Texts..
Tight #Hugs..
L0ng Replies..
H0lding hands and #kisses 0n the F0rehead..
3476 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

We fight, we #Kiss, :* we #Hug, :* we text, we talk, we argue, we laugh, we #Smile, :) we #Love <3 That's us. <3
She iz Anmool <3 :)
3541 Day(s) ago: SMS
Virus @Drunk

- No one can knows how much #love can a girl when you will be with closer than closerwith her ...

3604 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Haadi Khan @Haaadi

Keep Calm nd #Hug Ur #MOM....

Luv u mom......

3651 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

#Baby <3 Your #hug. Your jacket. Your #smile. Your laugh. It's the little things that makes me fall in #love with you all over again :*
3668 Day(s) ago: SMS

