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Total 29 Smiles Posted on #laugh Trend

Anonymouss @Darksoulls

#HaPpyBirthDay #Zoya
MAy AwlL HaPpineSs Come to yOu in AwlL in yOur Rest Life.
#ManyMany HapPy Returns Of the Day .


WiiSh yOu Good HeaLth And More Years to CeLeBrate.
May yOur Life Be Filled wid #Laughs And #Smiles Ameen

2842 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk

#Live €very Moment

#LauGh €very DaY

#Love ßey0nd Words

2934 Day(s) ago: Web
Decent-ansari @Decent-ansari

Go0ol Gappa (AnGri-BirD) Smiled about #Boy
#Attitude of #Girls+good2+

When a #Boy sends #Dirty sms she #laughs for 10 #Minutes ,
Forward that to her #friends &

then #replies to the boy...

I dont #like that kind of #sms ok? :) :P

3462 Day(s) ago: SMS
Mateen @Abdul-mateen

#Attitude of #Girls+good2+

When a #Boy sends #Dirty sms she #laughs for 10 #Minutes ,
Forward that to her #friends &

then #replies to the boy...

I dont #like that kind of #sms ok? :) :P
3462 Day(s) ago: Web
Malik Umair @Techking

#Laugh and the world laughs with you,
snore and you sleep alone...+smoker+

3519 Day(s) ago: Web
Inshal Khan @Shalo

Never Try To #DEFEAT Anyone,
Just Try To #WIN Everyone.


Don't #Laugh AT Anyone,
But Laugh WITH Everyone.
Be PoSiTivE...*
3582 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rahimuddin Yousafzai @Rahimuddin.352

Real friends see you with no judgment in their #eyes, they know you've made mistakes but they accept you and #help you to #laugh anyway!
3584 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zarisha Emaan @Sheeny

#Real #friends see you with no #judgment in their #eyes, they know you've made mistakes but they accept you and #help you to #laugh anyway!

3585 Day(s) ago: SMS

