Total 16 Smiles Posted on #strong Trend
Samar (CuTe-SaMaR)
Sometimes you just got to be #strong. It may hurt and you may shed a #few tears, but everything is going to be alright.
"You are #strong when you #know your #weaknesses.
You are #beautiful when you #appreciate your flaws.
You are wise when you #learn from your #mistakes."
You are #beautiful when you #appreciate your flaws.
You are wise when you #learn from your #mistakes."
3542 Day(s) ago: SMS
I'm #PeRfeCt iN mY #ImPeRfeCtiOnS, #HaPPy iN My #PaiN, #StRoNg iN My #WeAkNeSsEs AnD #BeAuTiFuL iN mY OwN #WaY BeCz
I'm Me..:-)
I'm Me..:-)
" #Weak #People #Believe in #Revenge, #Strong People Believe
in #Forgiving While #Intelligent People Believe in #Ignoring"
You are GOOD enough, #SMART enough, #BEAUTIFUL enough, and #STRONG enough. Believe it and never let insecurity run your life.
Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, just be strong & act like you’re okay. Strong walls shake, but never collapse.
#be #strong
#be #strong
#SOft attitude always creates #strOng relatiOn.
So, keep sOftness in yOur attitude & make #lOng, strOng & #lOvely relatiOns.
So, keep sOftness in yOur attitude & make #lOng, strOng & #lOvely relatiOns.
3854 Day(s) ago: SMS