Total 18 Smiles Posted on #Prayers Trend

#Faith & #Prayers Both Are Invisible.
They Make Impossible Things Possible.
#Quote #Islam #Smile #Mc
They Make Impossible Things Possible.
#Quote #Islam #Smile #Mc

MC Network working on SMile API for coming Civic Hacathon in UET Peshawar #hardwork #dedication #Prayers

So, whenever i don't message you, Don't think that I have #forgotten you.
I remember you every time in my Prayers (DUA)
Don't be fearfull.
To my Pray
I remember you every time in my Prayers (DUA)
Don't be fearfull.
To my Pray

SpArk: pLx Sh0w ON Ur StatUs...
if uU Are L00king f0r #Latest #Quotes #Prayers #islamic Ahadith #Wishes #Greetings #Ramzan & #Love able #SMS Then Just
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#khi #pk #lhr #isb #mc #fun
Ad:Mulke khabery har subha apky mobile par,send AUN on 903
SpArk: pLx Sh0w ON Ur StatUs...
if uU Are L00king f0r #Latest #Quotes #Prayers #islamic Ahadith #Wishes #Greetings #Ramzan & #Love able #SMS Then Just
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#khi #pk #lhr #isb #mc #fun
Ad:Mulke khabery har subha apky mobile par,send AUN on 903

pLx Sh0w ON Ur StatUs...
if uU Are L00king f0r #Latest #Quotes #Prayers #islamic Ahadith #Wishes #Greetings #Ramzan & #Love able #SMS Then Just
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#khi #pk #lhr #isb #mc #fun
if uU Are L00king f0r #Latest #Quotes #Prayers #islamic Ahadith #Wishes #Greetings #Ramzan & #Love able #SMS Then Just
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#khi #pk #lhr #isb #mc #fun
4253 Day(s) ago: SMS